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divorce lawyer in Sydney

Learn About Divorce Lawyers in Sydney and What They Do

Divorce law is becoming a fast-growing discipline all around the world. More recently than before, there have been more cases of couples wanting to divorce for their best interest. This rate has increased the number of people receiving training to become divorce lawyers in Sydney. Between 1960 and 2002, the rate of divorce in Europe was said to increase by 20%. 

As a matter of fact, in a place like the United Kingdom, a day has been set aside to be divorce day. This day is the first Monday of every new year. Statistics have it that there is always a high number of people who submit their divorce applications this Monday. 

Types of Divorce 

Different states have varying grounds for divorce. For some states, you will have to declare your partner’s fault to proceed, while other states allow declaration from both partners. Also, a divorce can be ordered by a Judge or certified by a court to have its effects. The courts also determine the terms of the divorce. 

While determining these terms, they consider prenuptial and postnuptial agreements or their (couples) private agreements related to their marriage. However, private contracts are only enforceable if they are documented. If there is no agreement, the spouses may have difficulty with a contested divorce. Let us examine contested divorce and other types of divorce you’ll need divorce lawyers in Sydney for. 

  1. Contested divorce 

This type of divorce is expensive as both parties will have to pay for their divorce lawyers in Sydney’ preparation and time. The process involves a trial level where the judge listens to several issues. Such a divorce, there are often contests as to matters like division of marital assets or the child’s custody. Eventually, the case takes time till the judge gives their verdict. 

  1. At-fault divorce 

This type of divorce dates back into the 1960s. That means there has been a lot of divorce lawyers in Sydney from way back. In this type of divorce, one of the partners only needs to provide the grounds for divorce and can go ahead to terminate their marriage. Eventually, it can become a contested situation. 

Offences are evaluated as both parties may be in support of the divorce, one person may approve the crime (condonation), trick another into committing an offence (connivance), or provoking the other party to it. The grounds can be adultery, desertion, cruelty, or abandonment.  

  1. Summary divorce 

Summary divorce is when couples have previously agreed on significant issues prior to that moment. The process is easier for divorce lawyers in Sydney as they have more minor works to do. Some factors like short marriage duration, absence of real property, children, or personal claims help make this easy. 

  1. No-fault divorce

This type is allowed in some places. It does not mean the other party has committed a crime or otherwise. Only their yes is needed even if the other party says no. Both or an individual party can submit the application through divorce lawyers in Sydney. 

Other types are no-fault divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, electronic divorce, and mediated divorce. You need divorce lawyers in Sydney for all of them. 

No matter the kind of divorce you’re filing for, it is only appropriate to speak with divorce lawyers in Sydney to make the best decision.