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Becoming an acupuncturist—Here’s how

Our concept of health should not only be limited to modern medicine. We also have herbal remedies and alternative therapies. If modern medicine is too difficult for you or doesn’t appeal to you as much as herbal or traditional medicine, you might as well consider becoming an acupuncturist. 

What does this entail? 

With just the aid of needles and other tools, these healthcare experts design and carry out treatments on patients who are suffering from pain, some unique ailments, or stress. However, you can’t just become a professional overnight. There are some essential education and training you must acquire on your journey to becoming an acupuncturist. We will discuss this in this article! 

An acupuncturist—Who are they? 

This is a medical specialist who employs acupuncture needles to treat patients’ various psychological and physical problems. 

This type of holistic medical practice has its roots from traditional Chinese medicine eons ago. In specific locations of the human body, an acupuncturist inserts sterile, delicate needles into the skin to eliminate pain or discomfort. The though of inserting long needles into the body scares some people. Relax, it’s not as bad, terrible, or painful as you think. 

Acupuncture by itself is another treatment option for certain people seeking to relax.

The job description of an acupuncturist 

To diagnose illnesses, injuries, or some form of ailments, an acupuncturist enjoys they work closely with patients to create an acupuncture treatment plan after having thorough understanding of the patient’s symptoms and presenting complaints. This treatment plan is designed based on the patient’s requirements, preferences, and medical history. 

Furthermore, acupuncturists do not only know how to insert needles in the body, they also have in-depth knowledge of many herbal remedies and other complementary therapies, which they readily employ to treat patients’ conditions effectively. 

To ensure they take the necessary precautions to keep patients safe and comfortable, they meticulously gather and analyze the medical histories of their patients just like doctors. 

How to become an acupuncturist 

In Australia, a  nationally recognized certification is held by certified acupuncturists. If you’re interested in acupuncture, you can also obtain such certification from an established institution. How? You can enroll in either a Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine or a Bachelor of Health Science with strong emphasis or major in acupuncture.

After successful completion of the courses, you will now be qualified to register with Australia’s main acupuncture practitioner associations. 

The second option is having an associate’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Furthermore, you could improve your clinical training by further acquiring a master’s degree program that is offered in the institution of your choice, that is if you already possess a degree in herbal medicine or you’re already a Chinese medicine practitioner armed with clinical experience. 

After graduation, what next?

After successfully completing your course or program and earning your license, you can’t just start practicing as an acupuncturist. You must register with a professional organization in Australia that is in charge of policing how acupuncture is practiced. There are criteria you must meet before you’re further certified. After then, you can now use designations such as a licensed acupuncturist, master of oriental medicine, and doctor of acupuncture & oriental medicine.